Why I am NOT going to push my path onto you
Just about all of my own spiritual growth over the years has been facilitated by belonging to a path known as Eckankar — a weird name, I think you’ll agree.
In my courses, these blogs, and some downloads I tell you about some of the gifts I’ve received from being a member of Eckankar, but never with the intention of 'converting' you.
At the bottom of this page I offer two free modules that present Eckankar material that can be shared with everyone, whatever their religion or path. I share these hints and techniques because they are so useful.
While I mention Eckankar frequently, it’s absolutely NOT necessary for you to join up yourself. Eckankar generously shares techniques and tools to take you to a better place within yourself, without any obligation to join up.
This is a good place to also say that whenever I mention Eckankar it is from the viewpoint of my own experience and understanding. I have no authority whatsoever to speak for the official Eckankar organisation.
I am never going to push Eckankar at you
In Eckankar I've learnt that...
- people will join if and when they are ready
- it’s a spiritual ‘no-no’ to coerce people to join any path or religion
- the path you’re on may be exactly where you should be
- all religions are from God.
To back this up, see this quote from the head of Eckankar:
"Whatever path you’re on, if you follow the disciplines of your path with detachment… you’re going to unfold in a direct line".
— Harold Klemp, How to Find God
Eckankar teaches that all religions are from God
"All religions are from God. … People don’t realize that God has provided all these different religions for a specific purpose: to fit all the different levels of consciousness that exist on earth".
— Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God
You won’t ever be lectured at to join Eckankar — not by me or anyone
And you are welcome to use all of the material that I share — without joining Eckankar.
Do note that this is not just my invitation — Eckankar happily share heaps of their information, and I've made sure to share things that are already available to all people via books, website, and video.
Rev up your own religion if you like
Eckankar are happy to share the techniques to be used by people who just wish to rev up their own religion. So if you are really committed to a certain path, but find that it could do with a little more oomph in certain areas, you can enrich it with some Eckankar practices. There are people of all ‘regular’ religions who do that, including priests and ministers.
However, there are many advantages in actually joining up, and you’ll see them for yourself when I describe various practices and notions during the course — again, without pressure!
To sum up
You’ll gain heaps of benefits from doing my courses, without joining Eckankar itself. You can simply do the course and leave it at that. If you wish to go even deeper on your journey at some stage in the future, you may want to join Eckankar then.
Why I am NOT going to ask you to join my path
"People don’t realize that God has provided all these different religions for a specific purpose"
Post #1
... and it could just as easily be called 'How I kept ignoring signs'
Post #2
How I was instructed in my dreams—I got business help with these two dreams in particular
Post #3
No magic, no spooky business—My hope for you is to discover the beauty and power of the meditative experience
Post #4
My 80-word definition of spirituality—
Speaks for itself; no more to say
Post #5
A spiritual understanding of some ‘hairy’ questions that might be bothering you—includes same sex marriage, abortion, free will...
Post #6
A New Year’s Eve that went in a different direction—an example of how Spirit works in our lives
Post #7
The five 'baddies' in our lives—Could 'not-enoughness' be at the bottom of what many religions accept as obstacles?
Post #8
How the Pooh Bear stories are sometimes similar to Eckankar’s teachings— a big dose of ‘is-ness’, and Spirit in Pooh stories
Post #9
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