2 free weeks — no charge and no obligation
If you’d like more info on how Eckankar helps work out problems in life, you’re welcome to take part in two modules (two weeks) of my online course.*
No charge, and no obligation of any sort.
* Note: This course is based on my own experience & understanding of Eckankar & is in no way authorised by the Eckankar organisation.
Why I am NOT going to ask you to join my path
"People don’t realize that God has provided all these different religions for a specific purpose"
Post #1
... and it could just as easily be called 'How I kept ignoring signs'
Post #2
How I was instructed in my dreams—I got business help with these two dreams in particular
Post #3
No magic, no spooky business— My hope for you is to discover the beauty and power of the meditative experience
Post #4
My 80-word definition of spirituality—
Speaks for itself; no more to say
Post #5
A spiritual understanding of some ‘hairy’ questions that might be bothering you—includes same sex marriage, abortion, free will...
Post #6
A New Year’s Eve that went in a different direction—an example of how Spirit works in our lives
Post #7
The five 'baddies' in our lives—Could 'not-enoughness' be at the bottom of what many religions accept as obstacles?
Post #8
How the Pooh Bear stories are sometimes similar to Eckankar’s teachings—a big dose of ‘is-ness’, and Spirit in Pooh stories
Post #9