Meditation—so much more than a tool
BTW, I couldn't resist choosing this fun pic, but note that you never need to hold your arms out like that to meditate.
Recently I was reading a book about wellness. I was shocked to see them say, “Don’t let meditation’s mystical associations spook you.” They went on to explain that they were recommending 10-20 minutes of meditation as a daily tool for getting more meaning and joy in the readers’ lives.
Why was I shocked?
It just made me realise that meditation (or could that be contemplation? – see the above orange panel*) is most certainly a mystical experience for me (not always, but enough times to make it a must-do practice). I hope you’ve found that too, and, if not, that you’ll definitely discover it after reading my stories and descriptions of tools and techniques.
My hope for you is to experience that connecting with Spirit in a meditative way is very mystical, and sometimes it feels magical, tingly, and/or as though there are big energetic arms to hold you.
From my experience, these sorts of happenings don’t come around very often, but, when they do, the presence of the nurturing, guiding and, above all, loving energy is very obvious.
Do you see, hear or feel?
Depending on your own learning style, and perhaps your experience, you may actually see other beings, or other worlds, in your mind’s eye. Or you may hear a whispered instruction. Or you may suddenly know you are meant to take a certain course of action.
I’m usually better at feeling and also getting an ‘aha’ or two, but, notwithstanding that, there are times when I do 'see', and then I’m nearly blown away by the experience.
Spirit showed up
I have an occurrence, which sticks in my mind, of Spirit showing up in my mind's eye when I was in a contemplative state. I relate what happened, totally unexpectedly, when I was contemplating or meditating (connecting with Spirit anyway) in the bedroom of an Indian guru. I won’t spoil it now, because it is readily available to you in the very first unit of my free course, which is based on experiences in my exploration of Eckankar as a path of growth and soul evolution. More info at this link.
You can learn to meditate in many different ways. Indeed, I had learnt way before I joined Eckankar in the late 1980s, but my experiences with Eckankar took me to a very different level. Maybe one of the reasons is because of chanting the word ‘HU’, which may take you to the soul plane. It is certainly very powerful and can be used by anyone. In the free Module B – THE MAGIC OF HU, you’ll find out all about the HU, which is not magic, by the way, but which often results in almost magical outcomes.
So… no magic, no spooky business – just a wonderful warmth and inner connection with the Godforce, in whatever way you want to picture it. And an understanding of Spirit's presence even when not actually seeing anything.
Why I am NOT going to ask you to join my path
"People don’t realize that God has provided all these different religions for a specific purpose"
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... and it could just as easily be called 'How I kept ignoring signs'
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No magic, no spooky business — My hope for you is to discover the beauty and power of the meditative experience
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2 free weeks — no charge and no obligation
If you’d like more info on how Eckankar helps work out problems in life, you’re welcome to take part in two modules (a relaxed two weeks) of my online course.
No charge, and no obligation of any sort.