Hey, I'm Elizabeth
I’m an Aspie and ADHDer (AKA AuDHDer). Over many years of ups and downs, I've found a recipe for a happier and more empowered life.
So it is with great pleasure that I can offer you my digital courses. They're for neurodiverse peeps who are exploring their spirituality.
If you join me, you'll learn self-worth and your reason for being. You'll easily learn to love yourself and be proud of the gifts of your neurodiversity; to let go of huge chunks of fear, ‘not-enoughness’, negativity and inability to trust in the Universe.
Below are some more things you might like to know about me – in the words of Stella Woods, astrologer extraordinaire!
For many years, Stella wrote the astrology columns for LivingNow,
the magazine that I started and ran from 1989 to around 2017, when my daughter Emma Stephens took over.
Was Elizabeth just born to do what she does?
AND THIS IS STELLA STARWOMAN'S LONG-ISH ANSWER – and my interjections, cheeky as usual
Most planets in 9th to 12th houses
Elizabeth has a very interesting birth chart, with practically all her planets in the 9th to 12th houses – meaning she's here to serve humanity on a grand scale.
Her North Node (karmic path), Moon (instincts) and Midheaven (career/
public image) are all in the nurturing sign of Cancer – the Great Mother. Well, that just about describes her life's work – a career taking care of others as mother, mentor, sister, wise woman and friend.
Then there's her Virgo Sun in the 12th house – selflessness personified, natural psychic insight, plus more service to humanity. All that coupled with the Virgo pedantic eye for detail and a fabulous memory – just ask anyone who has had their ideas and articles sliced and diced by her razor-sharp mind. Not that she lets on she's so smart. That would give the game away.
I just have to interject again here – Stella puts this in astrological terms, but if you are an Aspie, you’ll also likely have that razor sharpness, fabulous memory and smartness too. My courses help Aspies hail their gifts and differences. Elizabeth
But she's no Mother Teresa
Elizabeth is no Mother Teresa. Underneath all the humility, compassion and caring, there’s an ego lurking.
Oh yes. Sprung by Stella! I admit it. E
With Mercury, Pluto and Venus in Leo, sign of royalty and stardom (think Mick Jagger and Madonna), Elizabeth secretly loves being the centre of attention. And woe betide anyone foolish enough to underestimate her talent or try to control her.
With Mars in Gemini, she's brimming with original and revolutionary ideas.
You too, no doubt. Most Aspies have original and highly creative ideas. E
Never afraid to push boundaries
And always one step ahead of the game.
So how do you become a Leo-Gemini superstar, when your Virgo and Cancer planets are telling you to be modest and serve others?
Simple – you found Australia's most successful alternative and new age magazine promoting the ideas and skills of others. Quite clever, really...
Here’s a link in case you're interested.
Understanding of life’s mysteries
With four planets in the 12th house of the subconscious (Sun in Virgo, plus Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Libra), Elizabeth has an innate under-standing of the mysteries of life, e.g., dreams, intuition, instinct, prophecy, secrets and hidden knowledge.
I guess that’s why, in the free component of my courses, I share the path that’s worked best for me – plus I always love a series of steps to follow, AKA a recipe for life. E
Those four planets explained
Yep – while the rational minds of lots of Aspies would have it that there’s no God, others of us, just as rational, have had personal experience of ‘strange’ happenings that can only be explained by knowing that there is a universal dimension of some sort running the show behind the scenes.
And also Aspies are clever enough to pick the flaws in mainstream religious rhetoric – and therefore we look elsewhere for answers. Maybe that’s why you’re here!?!
Compassion and empathy
Those with a strong 12th house are usually compassionate and empathetic; drawn to the helping professions and giving freely of their time, money and energy to others.
Hmmm, is that why my intro course is free and my advanced courses very very economical!?! I was tempted to think it was because my inbuilt low self-esteem was in charge! And if you’re an Aspie you’ll understand that low self-worth problem too, no doubt, as it’s one of the traits that most of us have in common. But never fear! I address that quite fully in my courses too. E
Stella Woods
'Up close & personal' Q&As
Is Elizabeth, this course presenter, trained and qualified?
I was the founding editor of LivingNow magazine, in 1989, and the author of the book, Seven Angels Helped Me — They'll Help You Too.
For quite some years, the magazine was read by around half a million people.
A whole generation of Australians grew up with LivingNow as their source of inspiration and information.
So, while I’m not qualified regarding Asperger’s, except for my own experiences, I’ve had heaps of other useful learning opportunities.
Does Elizabeth get me and what I’ve been through?
Yep, I probably do – I’ve been through the mill in lots of areas myself. My personality was always difficult for others to understand, and many times I’ve been labelled as having ‘foot-in-mouth disease’.
It was not until I found, when nearly 60, that I had Asperger’s, that I was able to relax about my foibles and see the gifts they brought with them.
Does any of that fit with your experience?
Does this work? Like, really work?
Yes, as long as you really participate – and also believe in the existence of a guiding force, a Godforce, if you'd like it explained that way.
Would she be fun to work with?
Others have observed of me that I’m personally driven by a profound sense of adventure and creativity, am curious, unconventional, and I seek new options. And that you can count on me to bring a surprising new twist to the normal.
Plus, so many people have remarked on my approachable and transparent style, which makes me an ‘open book’. Indeed, some (especially family members) shudder at just how open I am.
They also say that intuitively I understand the ideas and feelings of others.
I reckon I bring a dash of quirky humour to life – but only when I feel safe in your company – or else, weirdly at times, when I don’t feel at all safe.
Maybe you relate to that too…? I think it’s a trait for many Aspies, and at times the reason we put our foot in it is cos we’re the only ones who see the humour!!!
I’d summarise the above by saying that I challenge the status quo, see opportunities everywhere, and enjoy the challenge of working against the grain – even if I embarrass myself from time to time!
Has Elizabeth ever struggled with what I do?
They say, "If you meet one Aspie, you’ve met only one Aspie’ – because we have so many different ways of expressing our uniqueness.
However, we’ve probably all had struggles relating to neurotypical peeps, and I’m pretty sure we’ve all been picked on or ostracised at school or in the office.
How did she end up doing this job?
Well, apart from having first-hand experience of being an Aspie, and a desire to be a perpetual student, and to understand the mysteries of life, it looks like I incarnated to do this sort of thing. Did you read what Stella, the astrologer, said earlier on this page – her last paragraph?
What’s her approach? Is what she does too hard for me? Will it work?
I’ve developed a simple and yet profound recipe for life, borne of many years of ups and downs in business and my personal life, and based around tools and techniques offered in my spiritual path. This path shares these techniques freely and widely to all and sundry – anyone who wishes to get a deeper understanding of consciousness. I’ve modified some for my Aspie brain and, in return, share them in my free course.
How is this approach different from all the others I've looked at?
Oh yes, it will be different. To start with, I am always optimistic that everyone has a beautiful, bold personality hidden under a cloak of low self-worth, ‘not-enoughness’, or other hidden self-sabotaging stories.
What's more, I’ve experienced that these stories also cloak us from connecting personally with God. I have developed my own connection with Spirit, mostly with the aid of my spiritual path, Eckankar, since the late 80s.
This will enhance your life and wake you up to the value of acceptance and self-compassion, in addition to a richer spiritual understanding.
Er… BTW, why does she use Asperger’s name?
Why not just say ASD?
Good question. There are two levels of answers possible here:
1. Does it even exist as a recognised name now?
“The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) no longer considers Asperger’s syndrome a separate disorder. Since 2013, doctors have been instructed to diagnose Asperger’s and autism both as ‘autism spectrum disorders’.” –https://www.everydayhealth.com/aspergers/how-aspergers-different-than-autism/
The site linked just now also gives a comprehensive rundown on the differences between autism and Asperger’s, with the latter being more adept in language, having a higher IQ, and wanting to connect but not knowing how – among other traits.
There's also other interesting data at that site, though personally, I cannot go along with the idea of curing Aspies, and they finish with what seems to be that recommendation. However, maybe they just want us all to ‘get help’ because we can learn to accept ourselves and to really shine as Aspies in the whole community. I hope they mean that. Cos we certainly don’t need curing.
And Prof. Tony Attwood still uses the term: “Asperger’s syndrome is also a term that can be used to seek further information from the Internet and published books, and research articles published prior to 2013. Thus, the term will still be legitimately used by clinicians, parents, teachers, therapists and those with an ASD. The general public and media will continue to use the term, and for simplicity and continuity I will also continue to use the term Asperger’s syndrome.” –https://tonyattwood.com.au/about-aspergers-asd-level-1/what-is-aspergers-asd-level-1/
2. But hang on! Herr Asperger was not squeaky clean
I quote this from my own ‘playbook’ called: The Understanding Asperger’s Playbook, which you can download here.
“It has been proven by looking at old documents that Asperger definitely referred two very autistic children to a dreadful fate that would end in their death at the hands of the Nazis. There’s a backslap from some people who think that, because Asperger’s actions regarding those children were reprehensible, we should therefore drop his name.
“Before judging anyone, I like to try to walk in their shoes. The closest I can come to understanding why he may have acted like he did is to think of all the people who have had to go against their beliefs regarding Covid-19 vaccination simply to keep themselves in a job. Some might say they should have put their beliefs ahead of their fears, but, again, I think you have to walk in their shoes before you can judge.”
More 'up close & personal' Q&As
I like what Elizabeth’s on about, but how would I engage?
You can enrol in my new courses – go to this link for the free course to give you some basic tools and techniques to enhance your life experience, and it may also help you make sense of life if you are inclined to think you incarnated on the wrong planet!
After doing all the courses, you might like to join a social community group with other Aspies who’ve done the same course – see the answer to the next question.
Would I have to join a community?
As Aspies, we understand the contradictory push to be an individual AND YET also to belong to a community of like-minded individuals. We long to experience feeling deeply connected, radically safe, and authentically engaged with others.
Only if you want to, on completion of the courses, you can join a social community group with other Aspies who’ve done the same courses.
Perhaps the best way to describe this group is that we’re all kind of misfits… in the sense that we don’t really fit in all that well in other places. Maybe you’ll find your tribe here too…?
What is this place? I’m intrigued, but I still don’t get it.
Basically, it offers courses for Aspies:
But maybe you’d prefer this set out in a more diagrammatic form. If so, click this link -
And also, if you mosey around, following links and your whims, you’ll find a few other resources.
Plus there’s a social group for alumni, if you are interested to join that.
Why is there a spiritual element to this course?
Since I was very small, I had an inkling that there was an energy in the universe that was bigger than any of us, and that it was something I wanted to connect with.
I had a couple of experiences as a little child that reinforced that for me, but back then I had no idea how to be in touch with that Godforce.
During the late 1980s, I found a path that showed me how to connect directly – more of this in the segment on spiritual stuff elsewhere on this page.
But the biggie here – the main reason there’s a spiritual element in the course is simple –
What’s all this about a particular spiritual path?
I'm a tad dubious, cos you know, I’m not one for organised religion!
I totally resonate with your concerns. Aspies are clever enough to pick the flaws in mainstream religious rhetoric – and therefore we look elsewhere for answers.
I explored quite a lot of different religions, paths and isms, but nothing gave me the close connection with Spirit that I was looking for.
Indeed, some quite definitely put a guru or some form of priest between their members and God.
So when I came across Eckankar in the late 1980s, I knew ‘on the inner’ that it was worth looking at. I tell my story of getting into Eckankar in this blog post.
As editor of a holistic magazine, I had insights into so many other paths, and found lots of help for personal development, but no other spiritual path measured up to Eckankar in terms of giving me the wherewithal to connect personally with Spirit.
As Eckankar shares its tools and techniques freely, I share some (slightly modified for the neurodiverse brain where necessary) in these first two weeks.
You most definitely do not need to join Eckankar – and I’m certainly not gonna push you to do so.
Why not? Basically, because I believe in freedom. In fact, it’s one of my main drivers in this life.
But then there’s also that thing about karma. Eckankar teaches that when people coerce others into any spiritual path, they take on their karma – not for me thanks!
I do not recommend you join Eckankar
Neither do I recommend against it. It’s totally your decision to make. More in this post.
This is what the head of Eckankar, my teacher, says: “You can try it and see if it works for you. If it does, you’ve got gold – eureka! And if not, you haven’t lost anything. You’ve gained information, and it hasn’t hurt you.” – Harold Klemp, How to Find God
So my course will give you a tasty taster – you’ll have gained some practical exercises, as well as information. And you can go on from there and do whatever you fancy for the next course of your life.
What clients say
Vanessa J
Director, Financial Markets, Melbourne
Elizabeth is such a source of light. I hope she will see the gift she has given to the world through this program.
Heaven on Earth!
Honestly, this needs to touch the masses.
I feel so privileged by your work.
Marlyse Carroll
Artist and retired meditation teacher and course presenter, Clifton Springs, AU
I really like the way you share your journey and encourage others to follow suit without preaching in any way. I also love all these messages and the various memes you've created.
Violet M
Automotive Engineer, Melbourne, Australia
Thank you for your pearls of wisdom, which are so soothing in such times, and so rare and hard to come by.
Becky A
California, USA
Your pictures and sayings are very creative. Also I feel an underlying sense of energy transmitting compassion, love and kindness from you. Grateful for all you do in your creative loving art & healing & manifestation work and helping so many people.
OK, I’m nearly there, but what’s a nice parting line to help me make the decision?
Some people want you to be cured of Asperger’s. Not me. I want you to love it, love yourself, and relish your strengths and uniqueness. Sounds hard, but we start with simple steps for you to reach a state of self-compassion.
If you want to make a decision, sit with the question and see what comes up ‘on the inner’ for you. Maybe these courses are for you – or maybe not.
I love Steve Jobs’ wisdom. Here’s his nice parting line: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
PO Box 336
Clifton Hill, VIC, 3068.
Honouring the spirit of reconciliation in Australia...
We acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung People of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work (Maroondah region). We honour all First Nation's people's culture and connection to land, sea, and community, and respect their unique ability to care for Country, and their deep spiritual connection to it. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present, and emerging.
© Copyrights by Elizabeth Jewell Stephens & https://elizabeth.fyi All rights reserved Disclaimer Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions
PO Box 336
Clifton Hill, VIC, 3068.
Honouring the spirit of reconciliation in Australia...
We acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung People of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work (Maroondah region). We honour all First Nation's people's culture and connection to land, sea, and community, and respect their unique ability to care for Country, and their deep spiritual connection to it. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present, and emerging. And we look forward to a rich and rewarding future together.
© Copyrights by Elizabeth Jewell Stephens & https://elizabeth.fyi – All rights reserved