Start with these blog posts, follow the links that appeal to you, and you’re on the way to learning how easy it is to have a relationship with Spirit * and to accept and love yourself and others.
With my educational materials (courses, playbooks, downloads, and these posts), I'm offering to take you a step towards:
- Learning to accept the full love offered by the Universe in this lifetime
- Becoming more spiritually mature
- Understanding that you are enough
- Accepting and loving yourself
- Finding your real presence, the Soul that you are
- Seeing the gifts you bring to the world
These posts are a great place to start to achieve what I've set out to offer you. Follow the links that appeal to you and enjoy...
Why I am NOT going to ask you to join my path
"People don’t realize that God has provided all these different religions for a specific purpose"
Post #1
... and it could just as easily be called 'How I kept ignoring signs and procrastinating'.
Post #2
How I was instructed in my dreams—I got business help with these two dreams in particular
Post #3
No magic, no spooky stuff—My hope for you is to discover the beauty and power of the meditative experience
Post #4
My 80-word definition of spirituality—
Speaks for itself; no more to say
Post #5
A spiritual understanding of some ‘hairy’ questions that might be bothering you—includes same sex marriage, free will, abortion, salvation, ...
Post #6
A New Year’s Eve that went in a different direction—an example of how Spirit works in our lives
Post #7
The five 'baddies' in our lives—Could ‘not-enoughness' be at the bottom of what many religions accept as obstacles?
Post #8
How the 'Pooh Bear' stories are sometimes similar to Eckankar’s teachings—a big dose of ‘is-ness’, and the Tao (Spirit) in Pooh stories
Post #9
To start with, I'm not referring to spooks, ghosts, or other-worldly entities. I am referring to a benign presence that is available to us all to tap into. Some call it the Tao, others call it Prana, Chi, or the Holy Spirit, or just the Godforce. In my path (not religion, as it has a lack of dogma) we call it the Voice of God or the ECK.
Scared off religion in the past?
If you are one of those people who has been scared off religion, then you may have an issue with any of the above names. I'm happy for you to make light of it and call it 'The Big G', or simply use that rather amorphous term, the Universe, as I have above. And I reckon the Big G is happy too.
Aspies are smart enough to spot the flaws in mainstream religious rhetoric
One of the reasons I’ve created my educational materials for other Aspies is because many of us seek a spiritual path, and are looking for closeness to Spirit (by whatever name we use). Yet we are dissatisfied with what regular religions offer, are smart enough to spot the flaws in mainstream religious rhetoric, and would be beautifully served by an alternative — with adaptations for Aspies.
In the story of Ugly Duckling, when did the Ugly Duckling stop feeling Ugly?
When he realized that he was a swan. Each of us has something special, a swan of some sort, hidden inside somewhere. But until we recognize that it's there, what can we do but splash around, treading water? The wise are who they are. They work with what they've got and do what they can do.
― Benjamin Hoff