A Card a Day for 90 days
I really like this series. Happy I got it. I resonate with your writing too. It's very uplifting without being 'hypey'. Great offering, thank you.
Warm thanks for your uplifting emails with spiritual messages and cards. I love the reminders of our spirituality. It is easy to get bogged down in the trivia.
We all have moods, which change frequently, across a range of happy to miserably unhappy. Accept that it’s a natural phenomenon! And don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect.
Even when you are down, you can still be working toward a long-term goal. Some of these picture cards remind you to make a goal and then to get in touch with it regularly. A long-term goal (visited frequently) will help you stay on track.
Other cards remind you that you are worthy and you are lovable. Then there are reminders to accept others and your surroundings, and to progress to feeling gratitude for both the 'good' and the 'bad' – because very often the so-called 'baddies' turn out to be a gift.
If you seem to attract ‘stuff’ each day, you’ll have experienced that it keeps you away from your desired life.
These daily emails will give you a gentle nudge to help you out of the rut and back on track to achieving a more meaningful life – and I can tell you from experience, that that is able to be managed much more easily once you've worked out your long-term goal, your ‘big why’.
I think I used to avoid making a long-term goal because I had a story running somewhere in my subconscious that I was not worthy of one. Does that ring a bell for you too? If so, you've likely already seen that, while your focus is on dealing with the 'sh!t', it's very easy to lose focus on longer-term aspirations.
Conversely, if you keep reminding yourself of that big goal, it takes your mind off the low level stuff that's happening, and eventually, after you've changed your mind, your life changes.
Avoidance tactics
If you find yourself using avoidance tactics (you know – TV, overeating, social media, sleeping, drinking, any form of self-medication), again these daily picture messages will help you avoid the avoidances.
I've found that if I contemplate or journal on the outer problem, I can usually get the story behind it – why I might have created a certain 'reason' for my procrastination, and so on.
Now don't get me wrong – I'm not one of those lucky-ducks who gets an answer straight away. There's no booming voice from heaven advising me. However, for the next few days, I am on the alert for a sign, or a dream, or a passage in a book, or a couple of apparently synchronous events.
Perhaps you’ve tried to force yourself to be disciplined… I bet you’ve found that force doesn’t work haven’t you? But these gentle encouragements may just do the trick.
Ultimately though, discipline must be a mental decision of yours – you either use self-discipline or you don't. You make the decision to be disciplined in your own sweet time and, from my own experience, you decide at the 11th hour – any later and it would have been too late – and then wonder why you didn't decide decades ago!
Really, it's a matter of gathering up your inner power to make that decision. Perhaps easier said than done. But then we have a long time to work on it. As they say, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'.
Some topics covered
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$11.10 monthly, is 37c per day, for a total of $33.30 over 3 months (90 days)
$24.30 total, paid up front, is 27c per day for 90 days
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© Copyrights by Elizabeth Jewell Stephens. All rights reserved.